Daily TimesCast

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Tuesday, April 02, 2013

ACQUIRE | Daily Update - frank0222@gmail.com - Gmail

ACQUIRE | Daily Update - frank0222@gmail.com - Gmail:

'via Blog this'

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fucking Stupid Qualify Exam

damn, I really hate reading. Esp it's against my free will.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

some little things I discovered...

In case you don't know, I've been relocated to Manila by the company in Sep. Honestly, in the beginning I don't have any good impression of this country, coz all the info. I've got is negative. It's been 8 weeks passed, it's not as bad as rumor says (at least in Makati). Ppl here are friendly, optimistic. And one more thing which surprised me is that they are quite serious to the internal exam for the compliance of the laws.
Due to my work, the compliance of the laws or circulars is basically ahead of everything. In TW, similar tests for employees are held from time to time, but we seldom take them seriously. In opposite, ppl here put a lot emphasis on the matter, the exam grade is part of their yearly performance. The exam contains multiple choices, essays, true or false., etc. I only took true or false, multiple choices exams in TW, furthermore, I got the answers in advance.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Only Taiwanese dig it

A smoking spot in the park near my old apartment, only Taiwanese can
understand what's interesting of its name.

Monday, March 15, 2010



Monday, February 22, 2010

Bday Cake from Coworkers

> Thank u all even tho in this terrible start-working day!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Bday For Me

馬的!在過幾分鐘就31歲了,嘴上雖說不過,但莫名其妙蛋糕也吃了,蠟燭也吹了,雖然覺得只是剛好一起慶祝一下,並不是很多人真的care,但總歸一句就是又老了。不免俗還是要許個心願,我想就是應該別再懵懵懂懂的過日子吧,想待再現這個產業就下定決心好好幹,想滾就快滾,make up mind就是了,學習累積,惜福...etc. Jerry說價值是在一買一賣中增長的,有對也有不對,看標的物吧,反正今年自己不可以跌,就將!OH 還有,何去何從也該給我知道了,希望都順心順利,大家身體健康,God Bless Me....